The heating element needs to be connected to a power source in order to heat up the evaporator head. It is necessary that the heater element is connected to a power source that only switches on when the engine is in operation. It is recommended that you connect the heater element into the fuse panel on the accessory side. On hydraulic applications, wire the heater directly into the On/Off switch.

WARNING! Never connect the heating element directly to the ignition or battery system.

When making the electrical connections, make sure the voltage to the heater element is the same voltage as the rating of the heating element. The heating element are designed to work on Direct Current (DC) 12V or 24V. As an option, Alternating Current (AC) 110V or 220V heater element configuration is also available and is to be used in machinery applications only. On installations where 110VAC or 220VAC heaters are required, it is essential that the FS head is earthed by fitting a lead from one of the two screws securing the heater cap back to a suitable earthing point.

To select the specific voltage of the heating element, please perform the wire connections as illustrated in the photos below.



Making the wire connectors

Male & Female Wire Connector Ends

Connectors fitted into the sockets

1) Use terminal ends and connectors (not included) to make all electrical connections. Cut all wires with cutting pliers and strip ends of wire to a suitable length with a wire strippers, insert wire into the connectors / terminal ends and crimp with crimping pliers.

2) Insert the crimped connectors into the sockets.For safety reasons, always connect the female connectors to the power source and vice-versa to prevent accidental electrical shock.

15A Fuse

Fuse fitted into fuse box

3) Install the in-line fuse (included in the kit) into the power supply lead and secure with relevant connectors. Secure all wires with cable ties. Be sure that the wires do not touch any moving parts, hot pipes or manifolds. This completes the electrical connection.