Before Installing

1) Drain the oil and properly dispose of the used Full Flow OEM Filter. Before draining the oil, be sure that the sump size and pressure fitting are correct. Observe caution when changing oil. Continuous contact with engine oil can cause cancer and other skin irritations. Please adhere to the law regarding the disposal of the oil and the oil filters.

2) Install a new Full Flow OEM Filter.

3) Collect a sample of the old engine oil and send it to an oil laboratory for analysis to establish the condition of your machine.


Mounting the GLW FS Bypass Oil Purifiner System

The FS system can be mounted on any convenient location which allows easy access and enough room to change the filter element. Choose a location where the FS system will not interfere with moving parts or come in contact with hot exhaust pipes or exhaust manifolds. Mount the unit as close to the engine as possible to keep the hose length short. (See sample installations here)

Feed pressure should be between 2.5 – 4.5 bar. If the feed pressure is higher than 4.5 bars, a Pressure Reducing Valve or the High Pressure Metering Jet (included in the kit) should be used.

Metering Jet (2 - 5 bar)
Normal Metering Jet (Installed in FS canister)

High Pressure Jet
High Pressure Metering Jet

The oil return is by gravity. For this reason, the FS system must be mounted at least 50 cm above the level of the oil in the sump. The return hose must always be in descending position, with no dips, traps or sharp bends. Any of such conditions may cause a vapor lock and prevent oil from flowing back into the sump, which will cause the FS system to malfunction.